Academic Program Inventory (API)
The Tennessee Higher Education Commission is the state coordinating agency for public higher education, which includes all institutions governed by the Tennessee Board of Regents and the University of Tennessee. The Commission has final academic degree program approval authority.
The Tennessee Higher Education Commission Academic Program Inventory (API) is a comprehensive listing of all active and inactive diploma, certificate, and degree programs at all levels offered by Tennessee public universities, community colleges, and technical colleges. The programs are listed by national Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) fields using the CIP-assigned codes. The API also displays concentrations or specialty areas within program majors, notes programmatic accreditation, associated academic units, and program inclusion in the Southern Regional Educational Board's Academic Common Market.
The API is the core database used for tracking the productivity of programs, the source for determining unnecessary duplication of programs, and the program data source for workplace supply and demand analyses. Users of the API are institutions, governing boards, business and industry, and the general public. The ready availability of program listings in a searchable database is critically important in program planning, development, and termination processes in keeping with each institution's mission.
API Search
The API contains information about approved degree programs currently offered at Tennessee's public universities, community colleges, and technical colleges. The API Search allows users to search on several fields in the Academic Program Inventory database, including Institution, Federal CIP, Major Name, Award, or a combination of these search terms. The API Search additionally allows users to export a report of search results.